
2024:Q2 (released)

July 30, 2024: 2024:Q2 GDP first release (flash)

GDP increased 0.3% (quarter-on-quarter, flash), above the final now-cast estimate of  -0.1% (Jul 26, 2024).

2024:Q1 (released)

April 30, 2024: 2024:Q1 GDP first release (flash)

GDP increased 0.3% (quarter-on-quarter, flash), close to the final now-cast estimate of  0.1% (Apr 26, 2024).

2023:Q4 (released)

January 30, 2024: 2023:Q4 GDP first release (flash)

GDP was stable (quarter-on-quarter, flash), close to the final now-cast estimate of  -0.2% (Jan 26, 2024).

2023:Q3 (released)

October 31, 2023: 2023:Q3 GDP first release (flash)

GDP decreased  0.1% (quarter-on-quarter, flash), close to the final now-cast estimate of  -0.2% (Oct 27, 2023).

2023:Q2 (released)

July 31, 2023: 2023:Q2 GDP growth second release

GDP increased  0.1% (quarter-on-quarter, second release), revised down from the  0.3% first release, and close to the final now-cast estimate of  -0.1% (Jul 28, 2023).

2023:Q1 (released)

January 31, 2023: 2023:Q1 GDP growth first release (flash)

GDP increased  0.1% (quarter-on-quarter, flash), lower than the final now-cast estimate of  0.6% (Apr 28, 2023).

2022:Q4 (released)

January 31, 2023: 2022:Q4 GDP growth first release (flash)

GDP increased  0.1% (quarter-on-quarter, flash), lower than the final now-cast estimate of  0.3% (Jan 27, 2023).

2022:Q3 (released)

October 31, 2022: 2022:Q3 GDP growth first release (flash)

GDP increased  0.2% (quarter-on-quarter, flash), below the final now-cast estimate of  0.8% (Oct 28, 2022).

2022:Q2 (released)

July 29, 2022: 2022:Q2 GDP growth first release (flash)

GDP increased  0.7% (quarter-on-quarter, third release), similar to the final now-cast estimate of  0.6% (Jul 22, 2022).

2022:Q1 (released)

April 29, 2022: 2022:Q1 GDP growth first release (flash)

June 8, 2022: 2022:Q1 GDP growth third release

GDP increased  0.6% (quarter-on-quarter, third release), similar to the final now-cast estimate of  0.7% (Apr 22, 2022).

2021:Q4 (released)

Jan 31, 2022: 2021:Q4 GDP growth release (flash)

GDP increased  0.3% (quarter-on-quarter), below the final now-cast estimate of  1.2% (Jan 28, 2022).

2021:Q3 (quarter-on-quarter)

Oct 29, 2021: 2021:Q3 GDP growth release (flash)

GDP increased  2.2% (quarter-on-quarter), above the final now-cast estimate of  1.4% (Oct 22, 2021).

2021:Q2 (quarter-on-quarter)

Jul 30, 2021: 2021:Q2 GDP growth release (flash)

GDP increased  2% (quarter-on-quarter), above the final now-cast estimate of  1.1% (Jul 23, 2021).

2021:Q1 (quarter-on-quarter, annualized rate)

Quarter over quarter at annual growth rate calculated as: